Peace Week, 2022

In the framework of the Peace Week 2022, youth activists from Local NGO-s. Youth Forums in collaboration with UN Association Albania (UNAA) brought together a series of activities with the intention of promoting the concepts of peace and security in different communities. These initiatives were designed throughout the Local Workshops organized  in the framework of “Building Partnership for Youth, Peace and Security” project  in  October 2021- February 2022 in cities such as Tirana, Elbasani, Puka, Korça, which contributed to multiple activities in the scope of Peace Week 2022.

This project gave the opportunity of creating, designing and implementing project ideas of these youngsters based on the grounds they come from, challenges, needs and social gaps in these areas of the country.

At the end of each activity the youngsters expressed positively regarding these activities and they think that there should be more space for youngsters to express themselves in order to undertake further initiatives which contribute to the community.

“Domestic Violence” – Korça

The Local Workshop on “Domestic violence” is the first Project Idea organized with students of ages 13-15 years old from middle school “Agimi” in Maliq. For the first time, 20 youngsters participated in this activity with the aim of learning more regarding this topic, but also to express their ideas and point of views, based also from the communities which they came from. This Workshop was facilitated by 3 young moderators such as Kostandin Qafko, Paola Ymer and Renaldo Kodra, who had a different experience under the role of the moderator. The activity itself aimed to encourage youngsters by leading to the right  institutions if they are victims or witnesses of a case of violence. The Local workshop started with an introduction of the topic and then in order to “break the ice” the facilitators simulated a get to know each other psychosocial game.

Throughout the activity, the participants were divided into diverse groups where they had to prepare discussions related to the concepts of domestic violence, its consequences, concrete situations and a guide to what they can do in these situations. The discussions were on-going and with positive feedback on the knowledge these youngsters have embraced during the group sessions.

“Debating for Peace” – Elbasan

Peace Week 2022 made a stop on April 29 in the city of Elbasan under the Debating for Peace local workshop. This activity was implemented by the Woman Center for Development and Culture in Albania (W.D.C.A) in collaboration with the young boys and girls in the dynamic process of suggesting and implementing of this activity. 20 youngsters from the Konstandin Kristoforidhi and Mahir Domi high school were gathered in the premises of Hotel Skampa in a wide and meaningful discussion regarding the War in Ukraine, to further expand on a delicate theme, often considered a Tabu such as Sexual Harassment. The facilitator divided the participants in 2 debating groups (pro/cons) in order to grow the interactivity and the dynamics throughout the discussion process. 

The activity had positive reflections on its flowing  and the participants appreciated the fact of once again getting in focus the concepts of peace and security which furthermore contributed in the outreach of the solidarity among these youngsters as a pathway to become more vigilant in the prevention of such phenomena and lobbying for the protection of their rights and interests.

“I stand for Peace”- Tiranë

A few kilometers away from Elbasan, in the premises of UNAA’s office in Tirana, was organized the local idea “ I stand for Peace” in the framework of Peace Week 2022. Under the facilitation of Juliana Xhihani, psychologist at Red Cross Tirana, the activity was shaped in the form of a social experiment in which 23 energetic young boys and girls from the “Qemal Stafa” high school were included. This social experiment aimed to put these young people in situations that would arouse in them the so-called natural emotions and thoughts so that they reflect on the way they think, feel or behave around these situations.

To develop these exercises, 3 situations were created and youngsters were randomly assigned a role and asked to adapt the answers to the situation according to the role/social situation he/she represented. This exercise encouraged us to understand more about the young people’s approach to the issues differently and if they manage to think positively about their solution.

Throughout the activity, the youngsters were positive on developing and implementing further activities in the future, which shall encourage them to get involved in their further education on peace and security, cultivating culture and integrity for a peaceful community.

Pukë: “Të rinjtë e Pukës për Paqen dhe Sigurinë”

Throughout the Peace Week 2022, the youngsters of Puka Youth Center chose to speak about peace and security through paintings, information sessions, and cultural activities to conclude with the activity on April 30, in the city center, dancing under the theme “We are the World’. In these activities, there were 30 youngsters from 13-18 years old engaged with the purpose of increasing their contribution to peacebuilding activities which is considered a huge asset for their city. For implementing these activities the Youth Center has also collaborated with the “Sabah Sinani” high school and the “Ndue Shyti” culture center conducive to having a diversity of characters and backgrounds of the youngsters.

During the discussion, the emphasis was placed on various topics regarding bullying, discrimination, tolerance, understanding, resolving conflicts peacefully, etc., and at the same time emphasized that the support from the local and national organizations has directly influenced a calm, inclusive and active youth for as many opportunities as a small town like Puka might offer. Every educational/awareness conversation that can be built with youngsters it’s a good opportunity for the city to root values following its development.

These activities made a kickstart for the local workshops on Peace around Albania, within the framework of the “Youth for Peace and Security” project, in cooperation with the National Youth Congress, within the framework of the Tirana European Youth Capital.


These activities were organized with the support of the National Youth Congress in the framework of Tirana European Youth Capital 2022, as well as with the financial support of the Public Affairs Office of the UN Embassy in Tirana.

#Youth #Peace #Security #YPSAlbania #EYC2022  #EuropeanYouthCapital #ActivateYouth


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